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Java Script Kodları
Status Bar'da Değişen Yazılar
<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- // please keep these lines on when you copy the source // made by: Eren ORTAKCI www.erenet.net var currentmsg = 0 var MsgTime = 2000 var MsgEndTime = 4000 function initArray(n) { this.length = n; for (var i =1; i <= n; i++) { this[i] = ' ' } } msg = new initArray(4) msg[0]="This is Message 1" msg[1]="Now it is Message 2" msg[2]="No, do not say I have to do 3 messages" msg[3]="Yeah, this message, 4, is the last" function msgrotator() { window.status = msg[currentmsg] if (currentmsg > msg.length - 1) { currentmsg = 0 setTimeout("msgrotator()", MsgEndTime) } else { currentmsg = currentmsg + 1 setTimeout("msgrotator()", MsgTime) } } msgrotator(); //--> </script>
Ziyaretçiyi Selamlama
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- function GetCookie(name) { var arg=name+"="; var alen=arg.length; var clen=document.cookie.length; var i=0; while (i<clen) { var j=i+alen; if (document.cookie.substring(i,j)==arg) return "here"; i=document.cookie.indexOf(" ",i)+1; if (i==0) break; } return null; } var visit=GetCookie("shant"); if (visit==null){ alert("Hoşgeldiniz..."); var expire=new Date(); expire=new Date(expire.getTime()+7776000000); document.cookie="shant=here; expires="+expire; } // --> </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> //This Script is Copyright;Eren ORTAKCI© 2002 //If you are going to use this code, you MUST leave these //lines of script UNEDITED! var shant="http://www.erenet.net" document.write('Please wait while you are forwarded to ' + shant) function forPage() { location.href=shant } setTimeout ("forPage()", 1000); </SCRIPT>
Çözünürlük Ayarı
<script language="JavaScript"> //This Script is Copyright Eren ORTAKCI© 2000 //If you are going to use this code, you MUST leave these //lines of script UNEDITED! if ((screen.width == 1024) && (screen.height == 768)) { alert('Your resolution is set at the recommended size that is required for this page to be viewed correctly.') } else if ((screen.width == 800) && (screen.height == 600)) { alert('Ekran çözünürlüğün 1024x768 olmalıydı!') } else if ((screen.width == 640) && (screen.height == 480)) { alert('Your resolution is too low to view this page correctly, please change it!') } document.write('Ekran çözünürlüğün - ' + screen.width + ' x ' + screen.height) </script>
Buton Şeklinde Saat
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Script by: Eren ORTAKCI<erenett@mynet.com> --> <!-- Web Site: http://www.erenet.net --> <!-- Begin day = new Date(); miVisit = day.getTime(); function clock() { dayTwo = new Date(); hrNow = dayTwo.getHours(); mnNow = dayTwo.getMinutes(); scNow = dayTwo.getSeconds(); miNow = dayTwo.getTime(); if (hrNow == 0) { hour = 12; ap = " AM"; } else if(hrNow <= 11) { ap = " AM"; hour = hrNow; } else if(hrNow == 12) { ap = " PM"; hour = 12; } else if (hrNow >= 13) { hour = (hrNow - 12); ap = " PM"; } if (hrNow >= 13) { hour = hrNow - 12; } if (mnNow <= 9) { min = "0" + mnNow; } else (min = mnNow) if (scNow <= 9) { secs = "0" + scNow; } else { secs = scNow; } time = hour + ":" + min + ":" + secs + ap; document.form.button.value = time; self.status = time; setTimeout('clock()', 1000); } function timeInfo() { milliSince = miNow; milliNow = miNow - miVisit; secsVisit = Math.round(milliNow / 1000); minsVisit = Math.round((milliNow / 1000) / 60); alert("There have been " + milliSince + " milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970. " + "You have spent " + milliNow + " of those milliseconds on this page. " + ".... About " + minsVisit + " minutes, and " + secsVisit + " seconds."); } document.write("<form name="form">" + "<input type=button value="Click for info!"" + " name=button onClick="timeInfo()"></form>"); onError = null; clock(); // End --> </SCRIPT>
Renk Linkleri
<!-- START OF SCRIPT --> <!-- For more scripts visit http://www.erenet.net --> <a href="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover="document.bgColor='red'">Kırmızı</a><br><a href="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover="document.bgColor='orange'">Portakal</a><br> <a href="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover="document.bgColor='yellow'">Sarı</a><br> <a href="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover="document.bgColor='green'">Yeşil</a><br> <a href="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover="document.bgColor='blue'">Mavi</a><br> <a href="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover=" _fcksavedurl="" onMouseover="document.bgColor='purple'">Mor</a><br> <!-- END OF SCRIPT -->
Search Menüsü
<SCRIPT> <!-- hide this script from non-JavaScript browsers // All code in this script is Copyright(C) 2002, Eren ORTAKCI, erenett@mynet.com // For documentation and more info, see: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jab/snark/ // This is SNARK Version 1.0, 18 May 1996 var MAX_ENGINES = 30; var SNARK_STRING = "hunting+the+snark"; function MakeArray(n) { for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) { this[i] = 0; } this.maxlen = n; this.len = 0; return this; } var engs = new MakeArray(MAX_ENGINES); function find_substring(needle, haystack) { var i, needlen = needle.length, haylen = haystack.length; for (i=0; i<=haylen-needlen; i++) { if (needle == haystack.substring(i,i+needlen)) return i; } return false; } function Engine(name, opts, home, search) { var snark = find_substring(SNARK_STRING, search); this.name = name; this.opts = opts; this.home = home; this.pre_snark = search.substring(0,snark); this.post_snark= search.substring(snark+SNARK_STRING.length, search.length); } function Add(name, opts, home, search) { engs.len++; if (engs.len <= engs.maxlen) { engs[engs.len] = new Engine(name, opts, home, search) } else { alert("Better increase MAX_ENGINES: " + engs.len + ">" + engs.maxlen) } } // ADD YOUR OWN SEARCH ENGINES BELOW. (See http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jab/snark/ ) Add("Netnews: AltaVista", "", "http://altavista.digital.com/", "http://altavista.digital.com/cgi-bin/query?pg=q&what=news&fmt=d&q=hunting+the+snark" ); Add("Shareware/Windows", "", "http://vsl.cnet.com/", "http://vsl.cnet.com/cgi-bin/vsl-master/Find?category=MS-Windows%28all%29&search=hunting+the+snark&logop=and&and=&orfile=++&hits=200" ); Add("Shareware/Unix", "", "http://vsl.cnet.com/", "http://vsl.cnet.com/cgi-bin/vsl-master/Find?category=UNIX&search=hunting+the+snark&logop=and&and=&orfile=++&hits=200" ); Add("the Web: AltaVista", "SELECTED", "http://altavista.digital.com/", "http://altavista.digital.com/cgi-bin/query?pg=q&what=web&fmt=d&q=hunting+the+snark" ); Add("the Web: Lycos", "", "http://www.lycos.com/", "http://twelve.srv.lycos.com/cgi-bin/pursuit?query=hunting+the+snark" ); Add("the Web: Yahoo!", "", "http://www.yahoo.com/", "http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p=hunting+the+snark" ); Add("Weather (City, ST)", "", "http://www.nnic.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/page?pg=netcast", "http://www.nnic.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/netcast.do-it?state=hunting+the+snark&area=Local+Forecast&html=yes&match=strong"); // ADD YOUR OWN SEARCH ENGINES ABOVE. (See http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jab/snark/ ) function HandleForm(form) { form.submit(); // This fixes a mysterious Netscape bug. Without this line, // you can't use <enter> to start the search the first time. var i, oldq=form.query.value, newq=""; for (i=0; i<oldq.length; i++) { // compress [ ]+ into + var thischar = oldq.charAt(i); if (thischar != ' ') newq += thischar; else if (lastchar != ' ') newq += '+'; lastchar = thischar; } var eng = engs[1+form.service.selectedIndex]; location.href = newq ? eng.pre_snark + newq + eng.post_snark : eng.home; } function DisplayForm() { document.writeln('<CENTER><FORM OnSubmit="HandleForm(this); return false">'); document.writeln('Search <SELECT name="service">'); for (i=1; i <= engs.len; i++) { document.writeln("<OPTION " + engs[i].opts + "> " + engs[i].name); } document.writeln('</SELECT> for <INPUT size=26 name="query">'); document.writeln('<input type=submit value=" GO!">'); document.writeln('</FORM> </CENTER>'); } DisplayForm(); // done hiding from old browsers --> </SCRIPT>
Status Bar'da Yazı
<!-- START OF SCRIPT --> <!-- For more scripts visit http://www.erenet.net --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- // Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Tomer Shiran. All rights reserved. // Permission given to use the script provided that this notice remains as is. // Additional scripts can be found at http://www.erenet.net // set speed of banner (pause in milliseconds between characters) var speed = 100 // decrease value to increase speed (must be positive) // set pause between completion of message and beginning of following message var pause = 1000 // increase value to increase pause // set initial values var timerID = null var bannerRunning = false // create global array var ar = new Array() // assign the strings to the array's elements ar[0] = "Buraya mesajınızı yazın" ar[1] = "Buraya 2. mesajınızı yazın." ar[2] = "Buraya 3. mesajınızı yazın." ar[3] = "Buraya 4. mesajınızı yazın." // set index of first message to be displayed first var currentMessage = 0 // set index of last character to be displayed first var offset = 0 // stop the banner if it is currently running function stopBanner() { // if banner is currently running if (bannerRunning) // stop the banner clearTimeout(timerID) // timer is now stopped bannerRunning = false } // start the banner function startBanner() { // make sure the banner is stopped stopBanner() // start the banner from the current position showBanner() } // type-in the current message function showBanner() { // assign current message to variable var text = ar[currentMessage] // if current message has not finished being displayed if (offset < text.length) { // if last character of current message is a space if (text.charAt(offset) == " ") // skip the current character offset++ // assign the up-to-date to-be-displayed substring // second argument of method accepts index of last character plus one var partialMessage = text.substring(0, offset + 1) // display partial message in status bar window.status = partialMessage // increment index of last character to be displayed offset++ // IE sometimes has trouble with "++offset" // recursive call after specified time timerID = setTimeout("showBanner()", speed) // banner is running bannerRunning = true } else { // reset offset offset = 0 // increment subscript (index) of current message currentMessage++ // if subscript of current message is out of range if (currentMessage == ar.length) // wrap around (start from beginning) currentMessage = 0 // recursive call after specified time timerID = setTimeout("showBanner()", pause) // banner is running bannerRunning = true } } // --> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY onLoad="startBanner()"> </BODY> </HTML> <!-- END OF SCRIPT -->
Kutu İçinde Kayan Yazı
<!-- START OF SCRIPT --> <!-- For more scripts visit http://www.erenet.net --> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Control Scroll</TITLE> <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="HTMLpad"> <script LANGUAGE="javascript"> var b_speed=10; var banner_id=1; var b_pause=0; var b_position=0; function stop(){ if(!b_pause){ clearTimeout(banner_id); b_pause=1} else{ banner_main(); b_pause=0}} function banner_main(){ msg="Buraya mesajınızı yazın..." +"Burayada devam edin...www.erenet.net"; var k=(35/msg.length)+-1; for(var j=2;j<k;j++)msg+=""+msg; document.forms[0].substring.value=msg.substring(b_position,b_position+50); if(b_position++==msg.length){ b_position=0} banner_id=setTimeout("banner_main()",1000/b_speed)} </script> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="FFFFFF" TEXT="000000" LINK="0000FF" VLINK="800080" ALINK="FF0000"> </head> <CENTER> <FORM NAME="form" ACTION=""> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="substring" SIZE="35"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Start" ONCLICK='{clearTimeout(banner_id); b_position=0; banner_main()}'> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Slow" ONCLICK='{if(b_speed<3){alert("Going Slow")}else{b_speed=b_speed-1}}'> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Fast" ONCLICK='{if(b_speed>21){alert("Going Fast")}else{b_speed=b_speed+2}}'> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Pause/Reset" ONCLICK='stop()'> </form> </center> <!-- END OF SCRIPT -->
Renk Kodları
<!-- START OF SCRIPT --> <!-- For more scripts visit http://www.erenet.net --> <SCRIPT Language = "JavaScript"> // This script is written by Patrick Meirmans // If you want to use it, send me an e-mail at mijter@dds.nl // and be sure to include the adress of the wb-page you want to use it for // by the way, my homepage is at: // http://www.erenet.net // You might want to take a look at it. // Please leave this message intact when using this script // The hex-code is not so very logical, so now and then there's // a rather big change in color, maybe I'll fix the script sometime, but not now. // Have fun with it! start = new Date(); minstart = start.getMinutes() secstart = start.getSeconds() function brighter(){ var now = new Date(); var seconds = now.getSeconds(); var minutes = now.getMinutes(); var base = "00"; // if you want to change the starting color, add the starting code here // instead of aa (two digits, only numbers and/or a, b, c, d, e, f). var color = 1000; var interval = 103; // if you want to change the speed of the color-change, // change the 103 to the number of hex-codes you want between two changes. // not every number gives a nice result! var sec= interval * (seconds - secstart); var min= 60 * interval * (minutes - minstart); var add= color + min + sec; total= base + add; if (add>=9999) {secstart = seconds; minstart = minutes} document.bgColor = total; setTimeout("brighter()", 1000); document.myform.ikke.value = total; } </script> </HEAD> <body onLoad = "brighter()" text="white" LINK="C0C0C0" VLINK="C0C0C0"> <form name="myform"> <P> İşte renkler ve kodları... <input name = "ikke" type="text" size="7"> </form> <!-- END OF SCRIPT -->
Status Bar'da Mesaj
<!-- START OF SCRIPT --> <!-- For more scripts visit http://www.erenet.net --> <HTML><HEAD><title>Status Character Scroll</title> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- hide from old browsers var init_msg = "Buraya mesajınızı yazın..." var str = "" var msg = "" var leftmsg = "" function setMessage() { if (msg == "") { str = " " msg = init_msg leftmsg = "" } if (str.length == 1) { while (msg.substring(0, 1) == " ") { leftmsg = leftmsg + str str = msg.substring(0, 1) msg = msg.substring(1, msg.length) } leftmsg = leftmsg + str str = msg.substring(0, 1) msg = msg.substring(1, msg.length) for (var ii = 0; ii < 120; ii++) {str = " " + str} } else { str = str.substring(10, str.length) // decrease str little by little } window.status = leftmsg + str JSCTimeOutID = window.setTimeout('setMessage()',100) } <!-- done hiding --> </SCRIPT></HEAD> <BODY bgcolor="ffffff" onload="JSCTimeOutID = window.setTimeout('setMessage()',500);"> Lütfen Status Bar'a bakın... <!-- END OF SCRIPT -->
İlginç Bir Hareketli Yazı
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- done = 0; step = 4 function anim(yp,yk) { if(document.layers) document.layers["napis"].top=yp; else document.all["napis"].style.top=yp; if(yp>yk) step = -4 if(yp<60) step = 4 setTimeout('anim('+(yp+step)+','+yk+')', 35); } function start() { if(done) return done = 1; if(navigator.appName=="Netscape") { document.napis.left=innerWidth/2 - 145; anim(60,innerHeight - 60) } else { napis.style.left=11; anim(60,document.body.offsetHeight - 60) } } //--> </SCRIPT> </HEAD><BODY><div id='napis' style='position: absolute; top: -50; color: #D23842; font-family: Arial, Helvetica; font-weight:bold; font-size:40px;'>Type your text here ...</div> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- setTimeout('start()',10); //--> </SCRIPT>
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